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 Music from an Inner Space
  Psalms & Sacred Songs by Rachel Chaplin 

featuring Evi Dobner (vocals)

with Beatrice Philips, Flora Curzon (violins), Oliver Wilson (viola), Carina Drury (cello), John-Henry Baker (bass), Sam Chaplin (trumpet/ flugal horn), Rachel Chaplin (piano) 



Brian Draper interviews Rachel Chaplin about her album 'Music from an Inner Space'. Brian Draper is an author and speaker and regular contributor to BBC Radio 4's Thought for the Day.

Full lyrics


See Him


See him in the manger

Swaddled in a cloth

Angel’s words grown in flesh

Brought him to the Earth.


See him in the temple

Making Earth his home

Wisdom’s child seated

Learning as he grows.


See him at the wedding

Heaven’s gifts at hand

John cleans with water

He will heal with wine.


See him on a donkey

Riding as a King

To the man of wisdom

Palms and stones will sing.


See him on the hillside

Swaddled in a cloth

Angel’s words piercing flesh

Take him from the Earth.


Oh my heart, oh my soul

Tell how can this be?

Oh my heart, oh my Christ

Come again to me.


See him in the garden

Tending to the same

Though he’s hid from our eyes

Yet he calls my name.


Rachel Chaplin




Our Father


Our father in heaven

Our father unseen

Our father, creator,

Holy is your name.

Your kingdom come

Your will be done

On earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread,

Forgive our sins

As we forgive those who sin against us,

And lead us not into temptations

But deliver us from evil.

For yours is the kingdom

And yours is the power

And yours is the glory

Now and forever more.


Words trad.

adapted by Rachel Chaplin



Cleanse Me (Psalm 51)


Have mercy on O God

According to your unfailing love.

According to your great compassion

Blot out my transgressions.


Wash away all my iniquity

And cleanse me from my sin.

For I know my transgressions

And my sin is always before me.


Cleanse me with hyssop

And I shall be clean.

Wash me

And I shall be whiter than snow.


Create in me a pure heart O God

And renew a right spirit within me.



In Bethany


In Bethany she came to him

No more time for words to say I love you.

Soul to soul, deep to deep,

How to reach his heart to say I love you.


In Bethany she held her love

Tight inside her alabaster jar.

Time is now, death is nigh,

She breaks her precious jar to say I love you.


Is it a waste, or is it a beautiful thing?

Is it for fools, or is it the wisdom of kings?


In Bethany she cradled him,

Poured her love for everyone to breathe.

Shame to shame, eye to eye,

See the cost for her to say I love you.


Is it a waste, or is it a beautiful thing?

Is it for fools, or is it the wisdom of kings?

Will you draw back or can you breathe it in?


Give me your love before I die

Give me your tears before I cry

Give me your jar of life

Before the shadows cover me.


Rachel Chaplin

(based on the account in Matthew 26:6-13)



He Leads Me (Psalm 23)


He leads me beside quiet waters.



Like a Tree (Psalm 1)


Blessed is the one who does not walk

in the counsel of the wicked,

Or stand in the way of sinners,

Or sit in the seat of mockers.

But her delight is in the law of the Lord

And on his law she meditates day and night.


She is like a tree

Planted by streams of water

Which bears its fruit in season

And whose leaf does not wither.


Not so the wicked, they are like chaff

That the wind blows away.


Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment

Nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous,

For the Lord watches over the way of the righteous

But the way of the wicked will perish.


Words trad.

adapted by Rachel Chaplin



In the Valley (Psalm 23)


When I walk through the valley

of the shadow of death

I will fear no evil

For you are with me.



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